
For many years, Audio Visual Environments has been designing and installing the specialized AV systems required by today's hospitals and other medical institutions. These needs vary greatly, ranging from conference room AV systems to the highest resolution medical imaging.

the ability for doctors and hospitals to share knowledge resources leads to exceedingly improved patient care

Our products and services include:

  • Medical specific, high resolution video displays
  • Telehealth & Telemedicine Solutions
  • Multi-image displays
  • Integrated, Hybrid Operating Rooms
  • Monitor systems for digital patient tracking
  • Specialized equipment mounting solutions
  • In-room patient video systems
  • Conference and training room AV
  • Mobile AV and computer carts

We design, develop, and implement collaboration solutions for healthcare clients including advanced telemedicine solutions, and integrated, hybrid operating rooms.  These collaborative tools help to improve the patient experience, and facilitate real-time, 24/7 collaboration between doctors and hospitals.